CyberCraft Lab

fusing handcraft and digitalcraft

We believe handcraft and digitalcraft are fusing into cybercraft.

Real and virtual spaces mesh into hybrids thanks to real-time feedback loops. Media agencies inherent to these domains give insight into things we cannot perceive with our senses. Seeing the world from new perspectives calls for inquiry and exploration.

Through transdisciplinary research and teaching, new knowledge transfers emerge from our lab to inform new architecture design and construction practices.

The CyberCraft Lab, founded in 2021, experiments with generic and open source real-time sensing, cloud computing, programming, modeling, simulation, fabrication, AI/ML, VR/AR/MX media interfaces, and robots meshing handcrafts and digitalcrafts.

Our goal is to master using these sophisticated systems intuitively and share that knowledge so creative users can focus on our times ‘wicked’ problems and shape better futures.

The CyberCraft Lab is in L-102 of the OTH Regensburg Faculty of Architecture and is open to students, researchers, and regional and international cooperation between academic institutions, non-profit and commercial enterprises. This website shares student projects, lab research activities, and publications.